The Most Important Meal of the Day: FEED YOUR SOUL!

Are you starving your soul? If you’re a nursing student or a nurse in clinical practice, there’s a good chance you are. Nurses are highly skilled in the areas of love, compassion, empathy, & BURNOUT!

Feeding your soul is not the same as feeding your spirit. Feeding your spirit is most often associated with religion or religious relationships. Feeding your soul is about PASSION – The things that renew your energy. Fuel the fire within you. Give you fresh perspective.  The soul and the spirit are closely linked to the mind and body; this is the definition of holism.

The Art of Nursing mandates us to treat patients holistically; but, is this how we treat ourselves?

How often are you feeding your soul?

Are you nurturing your soul or are you starving it?

Fuel your soul & it will take you great places,

Ashley & Linda
Your On-Call Professors of Nursing #NursingNeedsYou #YouMatter #GetNpowered

Are you ready to take the next step? Join us, and turn Passion into a Profession.

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